As you may be familiar, AV Educate’s goal is to EQUIP, ENABLE, and EMPOWER AV technicians of all levels of experience and backgrounds to become skilled engineers and escalate their skillset to the next level. We’re extremely grateful for the community we have built through AV Educate and for like-minded folks who share in our passion! Without the AVE fam, none of this would be possible.

We’re always looking for partners who share in our passion to help AV Learners in our community LEVEL UP in their careers. This is where you come in!…

Interested in becoming a partner?

Fill out the form below!

  • Do YOU have a class you want to teach? We’d love to help make that happen!

    In becoming a partnering instructor with AV Educate, we’ll not only help connect you with our network of partners and help coordinate all class details on your behalf, but we will help leverage our extensive reach across all of our social media to help elevate your brand and promote your class vision, engaging thousands of technicians in the meantime!

    If you’re interested in teaching a class with our support, it is important to note that we typically try to book classes a month or more out (for scheduling, planning, and marketing purposes) and aim for one-day class opportunities that work within a 9AM-5PM class schedule that accommodate sufficient time for hands-on training.

    All we ask for in exchange for your partnership is your time, your experience, and a passion to see the next generation of technicians LEVEL UP!

  • If you’re interested in giving back to the AV community, we’re always looking for production companies who would welcome us in their facilities to host in-person classes and allow us to utilize their gear to facilitate a dynamic, interactive, hands-on, learning experience.

    In becoming a partnering production company with AV Educate, we’re happy to connect you with our network of partners and help coordinate all class details while leveraging our extensive reach across all of our social media to help promote your brand to thousands of technicians. Upon the completion of our classes, we connect you with our attending students, in consideration of future freelance opportunities and the elevation of your labor pool. Finally, in appreciation of your partnership, we offer complimentary seats to members of your staff for classes hosted at your facility, and discounted resistration for your staff for classes hosted at other facilities you can level up WITH us! We’re all in this together!

    All we ask for in exchange for your partnership is a venue space and gear to help facilitate a hands-on learning environment and a passion to see the next generation of technicians LEVEL UP!

  • As someone who helps coordinate labor, we’re sure you already know the strengths and limitations within your labor pool. We’d love to help eliminate those limitations and elevate your crews’ capabilities!

    In becoming a partner with AV Educate, we’re happy to connect you with our network of partners and while leveraging our extensive reach across all of our social media to help promote your brand to thousands of technicians. You’ll gain access to exclusive discount codes for your personal distribution and discounted registration, should you be interested in sponsoring members within your labor list to attend our classes while simultaneously enhancing the reliability, responsibility, and reputation of your brand among your regularly utilized stagehands, technicians, and engineers. Additionally, as a partner, we’d be happy to discuss private training sessions for your crews. If you also have access to any gear or facilities that could host classes, please let us know! With your helpful collaboration, we can reach new heights together!

    All we ask for in exchange for your partnership is your feedback regarding where our industry’s limitations are so we can strengthen our community, that you help us raise awareness about our classes among your crews, and a passion to see the next generation of technicians LEVEL UP!

  • If you’re interested in giving back to the AV community, we’re always looking for gear providers who would allow us to borrow their gear to help facilitate a dynamic, interactive, hands-on, learning experience.

    In becoming a partnering production company with AV Educate, we’re happy to connect you with our network of partners and help coordinate all class details while leveraging our extensive reach across all of our social media to help promote your brand to thousands of technicians. In appreciation of your partnership, we’re happy to offer you an exclusive discount for your personal use or distribution, so you can level up WITH us! We’re all in this together!

    All we ask for in exchange for your partnership is a little gear and a passion to see the next generation of technicians LEVEL UP!


Let’s work together